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Identify Different Consumer

Identify the right consumers for your products or services through automated consumer segmentation research.

Use automated consumer segmentation research to

Identify consumer segments

What kind of natural groups make up your broader target audience? 

Use an automated segmentation study to find out how consumers within your overall target audience differ from one another to effectively target them with your products and services. 

chart screenshot to identify consumer segments

Inventory consumer needs

Are you maintaining a loyal and satisfied customer base according to their needs? 

Use a consumer segmentation study to measure how well your brand's products or services are delivering on consumer needs - which in turn affects consideration, usage, satisfaction, and other key metrics.

chart screenshots to inventory consumer needs

Reach new consumers

How can you grow your current customer base? 

Learn about a new potential audience in your category to see if they would be a good fit for your brand in terms of their needs, wants, and preferences.

chart screenshot to reach new consumers

Create more effective marketing

How do you reach and engage your different consumer groups? 

Use an automated segmentation study to identify different consumer groups that you can target with unique messaging. Develop campaigns around these unique messaging styles for each of your segments. 

chart screenshot to create more effective marketing

Consumer segmentation projects with quantilope

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Make important consumer decisions faster through research automation 

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Unlock consumer insights with high-quality, advanced method findings 

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Use data-backed insights to make better-informed consumer decisions 

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Lean on support from quantilope’s classically-trained research consulting team 

"Results from [our quantilope] study have helped to advise marketing strategy and have a better understanding of which parts of our audience we need to target more closely."

- Dylan Rose, Sr. Manager, Business Intelligence at PBS

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Request a Consumer Segmentation demo now!