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quantilope & Quirk's: Uncovering Subconscious Associations with Implicit Research

Access the recording from quantilope's recent webinar with Quirk's, discussing how brands can uncover subconscious associations using implicit research.

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quantilope's recent webinar with Quirk's: How to Uncover Subconscious Associations Using Implicit Research, illuminated how brands can quickly capture unbiased consumer insights for a variety of objectives.


If you're looking for a way to test a new package design or marketing messaging, implicit research may be the tool you need. This method relies on the speed of reaction time to unlock subconscious associations that consumers have towards a product, brand, or category. The quicker a respondent makes an association with something, the stronger that association is considered.


Complete the form below to access the recorded webinar hosted by Madita Brandhorst
Senior Solutions Consultant at quantilope.

Access the webinar recording!

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